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About Us
is designed to provide users with information about things happening in the UK and especially in and around London.
Please find further down more information about us.
Information supplied by the user
We keep the right to review each comment and event listed. Comments, contents and events which we think do not conform with our policies will not be published.
whatshappening.co.uk is not responsible for any third party links and third party content.
None of the data provided by a users subscription will be provided to any third party.
To add an event please register here.
Enquiries & Contact
We are happy about any enquiries and comments. Should you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us.
General Enquiries:
Email: info(at)whatshappening.co.uk
Text link advertising terms and conditions:
whatshappening.co.uk has no influence on search engines and page ranks. To keep the credibility with search engines and to provide and minimize the risk of ‘penalties’ for us and our advertising customers, all links will be flagged with the ‘rel=nofollow’ tag.
Your whatshappening Team